How much free speech is a journalist entitled to outside his or
her own newsroom? It's a fascinating and difficult question. On the
one hand, you have purists like Washington Post executive
editor Len
Downie, who is well known
for not voting lest it sully his objectivity. On the other, there are
journalists who contribute
money to political
candidates and think nothing of it. (Media Log's view: vote, yes;
give money, no.)
The Internet has only made this
more complicated. The latest example: Boston Globe technology
columnist Hiawatha Bray, who is the subject of a hyperventilating
piece on David Brock's
watchdog site
The article reports that Bray wrote
posts to several weblogs during the past presidential campaign
criticizing John Kerry, praising George W. Bush, and passing along
the claims of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which cast a number of
aspersions on Kerry's record as a war hero. Virtually all of those
aspersions were proven false, a fact that Bray seems not to have
The story has already been picked
up by Raw
Story and AlterNet,
so Bray is definitely in for a few days of razzing. Good thing he
wasn't cheerleading for Kerry, or Rush, Fox News, and the entire
right blogosphere would be going berserk.
It looks like Bray won't be posting
political comments in the future. When I asked him to respond to the
Media Matters article, he referred me to Globe spokesman Al
Larkin, who e-mailed to me the following statement:
Mr. Bray is a technology
reporter and did not cover the presidential campaign, other than a
minor technology-related story on very rare occasions. That said,
his blog postings were inappropriate and in violation of our
standards, and he was informed of that when we learned of them
last Fall. Mr. Bray was instructed to discontinue any such
postings, and to our knowledge he complied.
Mr. Bray was not a Globe
reporter on the Swift Boat Veterans matter, the presidential
primaries, or the general election campaign. Our coverage of those
subjects should be judged on its own merits, and we are confident
the coverage meets the standards of fairness, accuracy, and
The Globe's statement raises
a larger issue: what constraints, if any, should there be on a
journalist who wishes to share his political views in forums other
than those provided by his employer? Clearly the Globe is
taking the conservative approach, which it has a right to do. But is
it the smartest course?
Bray, as it happens, has his own
It appears to be devoted entirely to tech issues. If you search for
either "Kerry" or "Bush" for instance, you will get technology
stories about the campaign, not political rants. But the matter of
journalists having blogs not connected with their employers can be a
contentious issue.
In 2003, Hartford Courant
travel editor Denis Horgan was ordered to stop writing a personal
blog in which he had been expressing his opinion on any number of
subjects. Courant editor Brian
Toolan told the trade
magazine Editor & Publisher: "Denis Horgan's entire
professional profile is a result of his attachment to the Hartford
Courant, yet he has unilaterally created for himself a parallel
journalistic universe where he'll do commentary on the institutions
that the paper has to cover without any editing oversight by the
Courant. That makes the paper vulnerable."
That led blogger-journalist
Lasica to write in disdain:
"Toolan and his merry band of control-niks believe that newsroom
employees are chattel. We can't have journalists expressing views
online because then someone somewhere might accuse them of not being
wholly chaste, objective, devoid of opinions."
Journalists who do have
their own independent blogs tread pretty carefully from what I've
seen. An example: Hub
Blog, by Boston
Herald business reporter Jay Fitzgerald, a project Fitzgerald
began before going to work at One Herald Square. Hub Blog is a
worthwhile read, but Fitzgerald's online persona is pretty much the
same as it is in print.
Increasingly, journalists write
blogs for their own news organizations. Media Log is an example of
that. But, like an independent blog, Media Log entries are not edited
before I post them. Instead, my editor and I talk about what's
working and what isn't, which is a kind of after-the-fact
I've also been known to shoot my
mouth off in such forums as Romenesko's
letters page and
Rosen's PressThink blog.
This is almost exactly analogous to what Hiawatha Bray did. The only
difference is that Bray was expressing opinions that he could never
get into the Globe, given his beat.
Unfortunately, these nuances are
completely missing from the Media Matters article on Bray. The
article claims that Bray covered the 2004 presidential campaign for
the Globe, which (as the Globe statement notes) really
isn't true; all he did was write a few stories on peripheral matters
involving technology. The article closes by noting that the
Globe is owned by the New York Times Company, and quotes from
the Times' ethics policy:
Journalists have no place
on the playing fields of politics. Staff members are entitled to
vote, but they must do nothing that might raise questions about
their professional neutrality or that of The Times. In
particular, they may not campaign for, demonstrate for, or endorse
candidates, ballot causes or efforts to enact legislation.
(Note: the Globe has its own
ethics policy. The Times does not own the Globe;
rather, the Times Company owns both the Times and the
Bray, in his posts, not only raised
but answered questions about his neutrality. But he doesn't cover
politics, which means it's questionable as to whether he compromised
his professional neutrality. It might be different, for
instance, if he'd written online that Steve
Ballmer is the
Moreover, Media Matters presents no
evidence that Bray campaigned for, demonstrated for, or endorsed
anyone. Rather, he was expressing his opinion. Should he be able to?
I say yes, but his editors obviously disagree.