NEW IN THIS WEEK'S PHOENIX. The smoking gun? John Kerry, George W. Bush, and the Downing Street memo.
Also, this week is our annual Summer Guide, and I've got a piece on hiking New Hampshire's 4000-foot peaks.
Dan Kennedy's blog on media and politics • published by the Boston Phoenix from 2002 to 2005
NEW IN THIS WEEK'S PHOENIX. The smoking gun? John Kerry, George W. Bush, and the Downing Street memo.
Also, this week is our annual Summer Guide, and I've got a piece on hiking New Hampshire's 4000-foot peaks.
Wonderful piece. I've been hiking and re-hiking up the White Mountains since 1973 (!). I don't think I quite break the number of peaks for the 400-footers club, but I'm close. Problem with me is I like repeating too much (Lafayette, Avalon, Hale, etc)....
If this Downing Street Memo issue gets real "traction" and hearings are held...
And it looks like effective action may be taken against the Bushites...A second terror strike may be allowed to occur on US soil...Distracting Americans full of rightous indignation...
The poster above is the sort of person who rejoices in the deaths of military and civilians in Iraq. Bush is the enemy, I'll champion ANYTHING that puts him or his policies in a bad light. Hell, I'll accuse him (before the fact) of conspiring to pull of a BILL CLINTON like smokescreen wag the dog ploy.
Nice. Kerry lost. Get over it.
Why would the MSM want to get involved with memos,that would be hard work.
It's easier to worry about a few below-the-belt shots by DNC puncher Howard Dean, or some poor vacationing Southern belle in Aruba.
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