Friday, June 27, 2003

Christopher Lydon, natural-born blogger. While the Supreme Court is kicking up its heels, we continue to be hampered by a quiescent and complacent press.

I've been negligent in not giving a plug to a newish blog by veteran journalist Christopher Lydon, although I have no doubt that his many fans have discovered it anyway.

But here it is -- and the most recent entry is a link to a terrific column by Newsday's Jimmy Breslin, who is appalled at the way his younger colleagues accept the secrecy with which the government is fighting the war against terror. Says Breslin: "You believe the FBI, you belong back in public school."

Lydon also offers some intriguing thoughts on Ralph Waldo Emerson, "A God for Bloggers" ("He is a man for bloggers to embrace most especially, not for Emerson's glory but for our own understanding of a transformative moment we are living through"), and on the internecine warfare at the New York Times.

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