Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ice, snow, no go. We got a half-inch of snow and a bit of ice this morning. So, naturally, no one can drive!

I just got back from an hour-and-a-half in my car. Not that I actually made it anywhere. No, I'm back home. I had to cancel my appearance on The Pat Whitley Show, on WRKO Radio (AM 680), even after he and his producer, Amy Hirshberg, were kind enough to move it off from 10 to 11 a.m.

I heard a radio report calling this maybe the worst traffic back-up in state history. Apparently drivers were pulling off Route 128 in the Burlington area this morning and sleeping after several hours of getting nowhere.

Even allowing for some exaggeration -- there were, after all, a few traffic problems in the Blizzard of 1978 -- it is pretty horrifying out there.

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